International Lions Club of Weslaco distributive food baskets and blankets to 10 families

On Wednesday, December 19th, International Lions Club of Weslaco distributive food baskets and blankets to 10 families who have students that attend Weslaco-North Bridge Elementary.  There were 47 children that received Christmas goody containers from Lion Johnny Trevino/Santa and Mrs. Claus. Lion Melissa Balderrama chairperson of the Food Baskets project along with co-chair Lion Linda Wallace organized the event.  The event was successful due to donations given to the club and Mercedes H.E.B. employees helpful hands. H.E.B. Store Director Joe Serrano and Elves Alvaro Arrendondo, Arron Cavazos, Jimmy Garcia, Arnolfo Renteria, and Yvette Dalia Renteria organized the purchase of groceries and also donated to the baskets.  Lion Alejandra Torres Gonzalez’s father Roberto Torres donated children’s goody containers with treats. Lion/Commissioner David Fuentes – Hidalgo County Precinct 1 donated hams to the 10 families and the Lions Club purchased the other groceries and donated blankets. As Lion members “We Serve” and Wish a Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year.

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