Mercedes Lions Club held a trash pickup

The Mercedes Lions Club held a trash pickup on Sunday April 8th.  As part of the Texas’ Adopt -A –Highway project the club keeps the highway clean for 2 miles from FM 491 to mile 2 East on Business Highway 83.  Four times a year Mercedes Lions Club members don their fluorescent vests, and armed with trash bags and poles with nails set out to clean two miles of highway.  An amazing amount of trash is picked up on these quarterly excursions as well as some interesting items. If you would be interested in this project or any other of their worthwhile projects, contact any Lions Club member.

photo:  left to right Lions Leo Villarreal, Wally Bunton, Peggy Yanez, David King, Mary Bunton and Lindley Lentz.  Helping the Lions: Matthew Bunton on top under sign and Andrew Bunton, far right.

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