MHS teacher turned NASA specialist

From the Queen City to the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory: Hometown Citizen Will Work at NASA JPL in Pasadena, California

By Dr. Jocabed Márquez

    In May of 2017, Mercedes native and former Mercedes High School graduate Samuel Garcia Jr. crossed the graduation stage at Texas State University to accept his Ph.D. in School Improvement. Dr. Garcia taught Social Studies at Mercedes High School from 2008 to 2012, and also at PSJA ISD from 2005 to 2008. For Dr. Garcia it was the culmination of an educational journey filled with numerous challenges and sacrifices but also the realization of a childhood dream. The moment also marked a familial milestone for the Garcia family, which served to validate the struggles, sacrifices, and support of loved ones. Dr. Garcia was the first and only in his immediate and extended family to attend college and graduate with a bachelor’s, master’s, and now a doctoral degree. “This accomplishment is a testament to the sacrifices and hard work my family has made” said Garcia. “Their collective efforts have positioned me to achieve a level of success that was unimaginable-and for that I am eternally grateful.”

Humble Beginnings, Deep Roots, and Faith

The following is a quote taken from Dr. Garcia’s autoethnography published in Journal of Latinos and Education where he speaks to his roots:

La tierra, el trabajo, y la familia were the most important aspects of life. La educación was valued and esteemed; yet social, political, and economic forces deterred my ancestors from obtaining a formal education. El trabajo began at an early age, an age where, in our modern times, children are exploring and imagining the possibilities of life. Para mis abuelitos, most of their youth was spent en los labores, working alongside their parents to help contribute to the familia. Mis padres had a relatively different upbringing. They experienced migrating to different parts of the country during their summer vacation, trabajando en los labores de Michigan, Indiana, and California. The stories they have shared with me have been enlightening and instructive as I continue to navigate through educational and social institutions as well as to confirm my own sense of purpose.

One particular story that is engrained in my mind, which exemplifies the work ethic and drive that has been instilled in our familia, dates back to when my parents were working the fields in Indiana. My mother, who was eight months pregnant with me at the time, continued to work the labores despite her physical condition. Once I was born, mis padres agreed to secure occupations in the Rio Grande Valley that offered both a steady income and stability. Their decision would have a tremendous impact on my formation as an individual. As I reflect on the stories and experiences mis padres have shared with me, I begin to make sense of our family narrative as well as my own. The lessons, messages, and teachings from their anecdotes are increasingly more powerful and valuable as I gain the language and skills to be able to analyze, interpret, and decipher their meanings. 

With his values of commitment, family, and work firmly rooted in his Christian faith and now with a doctoral degree in hand, Samuel has emerged as an example and role model for young people that have big dreams of achieving greatness. When asked to share what advice he would give young people, Dr. Garcia shared the following: “Nurture good relationships. Surround yourself with positive and inspirational people and remain humble and loyal to your values and beliefs. Embrace your cultural heritage and gifts and be proud of your roots.”

Dr. Garcia’s next Chapter

Dr. Garcia received a bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Texas Pan American. Dr. Garcia began teaching in 2005 at PSJA ISD and then transitioned to Mercedes High School from 2008 to 2012. In 2012, Dr. Garcia was accepted to the PhD program in School Improvement at Texas State University. As a doctoral student, Dr. Garcia worked as a research assistant and also consulted for the Llano Grande LLC conducting staff development within the K-12 public school system. During his tenure as a doctoral student, Dr. Garcia’s research was published in the Rio Bravo Journal, Journal of Latinos in Education, and the International Journal of Qualitative Studies. Dr. Garcia has presented his peer-reviewed research at the American Educational Research Association, the University Council for Educational Administration, the National Association for Chicana/o Studies, and the American Society for Engineering Education. His dissertation focused on the analysis of principal preparation programs in Texas. In 2017, Dr. Garcia accepted a position as a NASA Education Specialist working with the NASA Educator Professional Development Collaborative Grant at Texas State University. Dr. Garcia conducts professional development with Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics educators. His other duties include conducting qualitative research as well as working closely with school districts in Central Texas. Dr. Garcia recently accepted a position at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California where he will also be working closely with school districts in the Los Angeles area. Dr. Garcia is grateful to his family, friends, teachers, and coaches in Mercedes for their unwavering support and endless prayers.

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