Los Ebanos Study Club report

The Los Ebanos Study Club met on Monday, January 7, 2019, in the home of Elida Garza with eight members present. The meeting was called to order by President Mary Ann Brundige who led members in the Pledges to the American and Texas flags in addition to the Collect. Next, members answered roll call and reported on books they were currently reading. The minutes were approved as read. Treasurer Margie Brewer reported on the balance. This was followed with Elida Garza, program committee chairperson, announcing that the next meeting would be held at John Knox Village with Lise Pinkerton hosting the event and Liz De La Rosa serving as co-hostess. The program will be provided by Kathryn Churchill who asked members to think of an object that brings them joy, meaning, or magic. She encouraged members to bring an object or a picture of one to the next meeting. Under special services, the President informed members that before Christmas Anna Smith had mailed the December donations to the Rio Grande State Center Citizens Volunteer Council and had already received a thank-you letter from the Center. Furthermore, Mrs. Smith had also delivered the non-perishable items to Baskets Full  that members had brought to the December meeting. Upon the adjournment of the meeting, Irma Saldana presented a very interesting program by informing members about the Carbajal family who migrated from Spain to the New World because they were persecuted by the Inquisition due to their practice of Judaism. The Carbajal family is the 12th great grandparents on Irma Saldana’s family tree with a connection to Jewish ancestry. According to Mrs. Saldana, this family of Portuguese Jews had no choice but to convert to Christianity or face the Inquisition. Today the Carbajal family is the most famous family to come to the New World with Luis de Carbajal being one of the most interesting personalities to be tried by the Inquisition together with his mother and three of his sisters. They were all burned at the stake in Mexico City on December 8, 1566. During the social hour, members enjoyed Rosca de Reyes, Pan de Polvo, and other delicious sweets. Members present were Margie Brewer, Mary Ann Brundige, Kathryn Churchill, Liz De La Rosa, Sylvia Flores, Elida Garza, Lise Pinkerton, and Irma Saldana.

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