Legion Post 172 April 1, 2020, Post update

Hope that you and your family are in good health, as we are now facing an invisible enemy we strongly recommend that we be in compliance with all guidelines established by our Government. Basically two key things that we must do is Stay at Home, Stay at Home and do the Social Distance requirement.Check on our fellow Veterans by calling them and chatting for a while. We would like to inform everyone that our American Legion Post will be in compliance with the recent Declaration by Hidalgo County Officials and City Officials concerning the Corona virus that a gatherings of 10 or more people will be prohibited. Additionally President trump just extended the Social Distancing until April 30th. So let us move forward but follow all guidance in the interest of our health.
All events for our American Legion Post are presently on hold until further notice.
We will keep you posted on any developments that we receive from our District, Division or Department.
The JA Garcia American Legion Post 172 in Mercedes, Texas is proud to introduce our Centennial Commemoration Pin to recognize it 100 years birthday. The pins were designed and obtained thru the efforts of our two Legionaries Tony Sanchez and Oswaldo Castaneda. A job well done. The pins are available for purchase from our Post. They will sell for $5 and you can get them from Tony Sanchez.