Q&A: Tigers Junior Power Forward Riley Lara

The Mercedes Enterprise caught up with Riley Lara to ask her about the basketball 

season and her game. Here’s what she had to say in the Meet the Tigers Q&A:

Q: Who’s the greatest basketball player of all time?

A: Michael Jordan

Q: When did you first know you loved to play basketball?

A: My 8th grade year.

Q: What do you do to get ready for game time?

A: Hear music to focus.

Q: Who has helped you get to the level you are at in basketball? 

A: Our coaches and my sister.

Q: What does it mean to you to be on the varsity team?

A: It shows that I challenged myself, and committed to the sport of basketball. 

Q: What is your main goal for the basketball season?  

A: Try to remember our plays. 

Q: What is your favorite memory as a basketball player on the varsity?

A: The laughter of my fellow teammates. 

Q: What is one of your goals for after high


 A: Get a job

Q: What is your dream school/university?

A: Louisana State University

Q: What is your favorite classroom 


A: History

Q: What is your favorite 

song/music artist?

 A:  Beautiful Crazy by Luke combs

Q: What actor would play you in a Hollywood movie?

A: Jessica Alba

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