My loyal readers and good friends who support The Mercedes Enterprise, by the time that you all read my column in this newspaper, the elections of March 1, 2022 will be over. I hope all of you, who are registered to vote, did so on March tha first. The right to vote is a precious right and privilege which our country allows us; it is indeed a type of freedom which many people in other countries, only dream of.  Like the song says, ‘America, America, GOD shed HIS Grace on thee’.

 Again, I say to all, by the time this paper is printed and on tha streets, the news of who won and who lost will already be public information. And as always, in any, and all elections, only one person will win; the total amount of votes cast will determine that. Only one winner, and in my book, there are no losers. The ones who did not win nevertheless did their best in the race and participated in one of our greatest GOD give inalienable rights.

 When General Lee surrendered to General Grant, the Civil War was over; it was evident The South had lost. And according to historians, when tha great victory ball was goin to be held, tha band was going to play a victory tune, but President Abe Lincoln gave the order for tha band to play ‘DIXIE’ in honor of the fallen heroes from The South. GOD Bless Honest Abe; he was truly a great human being and of our greatest presidents.

 My good friends a lot of effort, hard work, and money; LOTS of money is spent in any election. Only those that contribute to any campaign know their interests. Some time back, I asked an elected, precinct official if she was going to run in an upcoming county election. And that elected official told me she did not have the financial backing needed to run in the county election. According to her knowledge of financial costs, she said, “DUKE, it takes around $70,000, just to run for a precinct position. Imagine what it would cost for a county race.”  And she laughed when I told her, “When I win tha lottery, I will finance a good man, with the qualities of Abe Lincoln.”

 I have been in the so-called political arena since tha days of Senator Jim Bates, and in all honesty, I say to all who have never been involved, and you can quote me, “Politics is not dirty, it is only a few individuals who still do not understand the spirit of competition. They muddy the waters and RUIN an honest game, that truly revolves around democracy and the interests of the people.”

Today, I want to share with all my loyal readers some photos of a few of my good friends, whom I have befriended and helped in their political campaigns. And  also, let me point out that all photos were taken by my brother and true friend,  Robert Hinds.

 GOD Bless,


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