JESUS said, “Let the little children come to ME and do not forbid them for of such is the Kingdom of GOD. Without a doubt, I know that JESUS Loves the little children; they are HIS Prized Possessions. And this having been said I would like to take some time here in my column to say Happy Birthday to the child who is the Sunshine of my life.

     It was back in the year of 2007, on March 12 to be exact, that THE Good LORD smiled down on DUKE and HE sent a Beautiful Blessing which I received with much happiness and love. It still seems to me as if it was only yesterday, when I first laid eyes on my little angel and welcomed the love of my life to my world.

     It was there in a hospital room in the city of Mission, Texas, where I first saw my grandaughter. I did not know it would be a little girl, and I did not even know the name, that was awaiting for her upon her arrival. 

     Like other relatives, I too was waiting for the birth of my next grandchild when I heard the nurse call out the name of my son-in-law, but he wasn’t there. And so as I waliked towards the nurse, she asked me, “Are you the father?” to which I replied, “Como si fuera.” I don’t think she understood, cause she asked me, “Are you related, sir?” and I exclaimed, “Lady, I am tha granpa!” smiling and excited, “She replied, “Well, come on in!” 

     As I walked into tha room, I did not know if it was a boy or a girl. As soon as I got near the bed, my daughter smiled and told me, “Dad, it’s girl.” I then edged over and saw her for the first time. She had a pretty ribbon around her tiny head, and I could’ve sworn she was blinking an eye at me. In reality, she was barely opening an eye to view tha world; only one of her eyes was open. I looked at my precious granddaughter with great admiration and exclaimed, ‘CIELITO LINDO!”  

     What I didn’t know was that my daughter had named her Heaven. She was everything that a grandfather could wish for. My daughter could see that granpa was truly pleased with this gift which THE Good LORD had sent to us. At that point in time, that day, DUKE MARTELL was the richest man alive, and I gave praise and thanks to Almighty GOD for HIS True Blessing.

     This child would always be the Sunshine of my life. My loyal readers, on that special day, I wrote in my heart, ‘CIELITO LINDO, GOD’s Gift to Granpa DUKE’. 

     Time and the years have passed us by and my precious CIELITO LINDO will now be 15 this March 12, of 2022, and a Big Party is planned for her. She has grown a lot and my love for my beautiful grandchild has also grown stronger, just as her love has grown greater for her loving Granpa DUKE. Here today in my column, I wish to share a few of the hundreds of photos, I have of my one and only Sunshine of my life. 

GOD Bless, 


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