Q&A with Diego Rincon, RGVLS participant

Genaro Diego Rincon

Weslaco East, 10

Q: What club are you a member of?

A: Weslaco East FFA

Q: What will you be presenting at RGVLS?

A: Heifer

Q: What is your animal’s name and breed?


Q: Why do you like presenting at RGVLS?

A: I show because it has taught me great responsibilities  that I will take with me in the future. 

Q: Is this your first time presenting at RGVLS?

A: No.  Being showing for 4 years

Q: What is your best memory of RGVLS over the years?

A: Every year is a great experience but my favorite memory would be winning Reserve Grand Champion with my first heifer Penelope. 

Q: Have you been successful at RGVLS before, or what is your goal for this year’s competition?

A: Yes.  My goal is to get grand champion and have a great time. 

Q: How much work does it take to prepare and work with your animal?

A: This is something I work hard for. I start working them in the summer all the way up until March.

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