Q&A with Sidney Loya, RGVLS participant

Sidney loya

South Texas ISD, 11

Q: Have you been successful at RGVLS before, or what is your goal for this years competition?

A: My goals are to go in and show off my animals to the best of my ability and participate is showmanship for my livestock animals. And most importantly, gain another year of memories that will last me a life time.

Q: What is your best memory of RGVLS over the years?

A: I remember all the way back to when i was 4 years old going to the RGVLS, and the first thing i would always want to do is go see the pigs, i would have to touch every single pig, i loved them so much it was a must.

Q: Why do you like presenting at RGVLS?

A: It is so important to me, ever since before i could participate i would go look at the animals and want to do it. As soon as i could , i started, at age 9. I love the bond i create with my animals, and the responsibility it teaches me with them. The money prizes i do gain from RGVLS all go into my college savings where it will benefit me furthering my education.

Q: What is your animal’s name and breed?

A: I show market rabbits, breeding rabbits, a market hog, horticulture, and photography. I participate yearly in the greased pig scramble and i compete in livestock judging.

Yes, I have! I have placed in the top five multiple years for showmanship in breeding and market rabbits. I have placed 2nd with my pen of market rabbits and got the opportunity to go to auction for them, and i got $600 for my pen of rabbits, which went into my college savings!

Q: What club are you a member of?

A: Queen City 4H

Q: How much work does it take to prepare and work with your animal?

A: It is a year long preparation for RGVLS. I have been working with my hog since October, her name is Perry! and every morning before i go to school i go to feed her, and every night after school i go to feed her and walk her. Every week she gets a bath and her cage is cleaned multiple times a week. My breeding rabbits live in my home, and i feed them every day and make sure their water is always filled. My horticulture project was purchased in November and It is my responsibility to water it and care for it so it thrives!

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