Q & A with Angela Torres, RGVLS participant

Angela Torres

Weslaco East High, 10

Q: What club are you a member of?


Q: What will you be presenting at RGVLS?

A: Market Goat / Breeding Heifer

Q: What is your animal’s name and breed?

A: Bobby-Boar Goat / Helen-Red Brangus

Q: Why do you like presenting at RGVLS?

A: I like to present at rgvls because  I have a love for animals. I’ve been around them my whole life and I just love to show livestock I love the ring and to show people what hard work and dedication looks like. 

Q: Is this your first time presenting at RGVLS?

A: No I have been doing this since I was 8 years old.

Q: What is your best memory of RGVLS over the years?

A: My best memory would be when I got reserve grand champion showman and also when I got reserve grand champion with my red Brangus heifer. 

Q: Have you been successful at RGVLS before, or what is your goal for this years competition?

A: Yes I have been very successful I have been lucky enough to make sale with my market goats every year and in 2021 I won Reserve Grand Champion Showmanship for my age division and Reserve Grand Champion with my Red Brangus heifer.

Q: How much work does it take to prepare and work with your animal?

A: It takes countless hours, in the days, and nights & weekends to take care of the animals. Rain or shine, cold or hot there is no rest and  work starts from the day I receive my animal till the day when I take that last walk in the ring with them, but take it from someone who gives it there 110%  it is all worth it in the end. I love what I do and if you get a chance to see me in the ring you will see how much passion I have for showing livestock.

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