Q & A with Miranda Garza, RGVLS participant

Miranda Garza

Weslaco East  H.S., 10

Q: What club are you a member in?

Weslaco East high school 

Q: What will you be presenting at RGVLS?

A: Lambs

Q: What is your animal’s name and breed?

A: little travis / medium wool

Q: Why do you like presenting at RGVLS?

A: RGVLS is one of my favorite shows to attend. I’ve made many memories over the years with my family and friends. RGVLS has a special place in my heart.

Q: Is this your first time presenting at RGVLS?

A: No, I’ve been shopping at RGVLS. .; since 4th grade

Q: What is your best memory of RGVLS over the years?

A: In 2018 I won reserve grand champion overall with my lamb, I also won Grand champion intermediate Showmanship. In 2020 I won Grand Champion intermediate Showmanship and my brother Ben and I won Grand and Reserve Champion overall with our lambs.

Q: Have you been successful at RGVLS before, or what is your goal for this years competition?

Yes i have been successful at RGVLS. But i do hope to win grand champion overall with my lambs as well as grand champion senior showmanship. 

Q: How much work does it take to prepare and work with your animal?

What i’ve learned with working my animals is all my time, my hard work, and my dedication comes at a heavy cost with no vacation. I will spend up to hours in the barn getting them ready to hit upcoming shows.

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