By: Magdaleno Leno Rose-Avila
Many of us were shocked beyond belief on May 24, 2022 when a shooter stormed Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas killing 19 students and two teachers. Families of the victims went to the school board, the city council, the police and the governor politely asking for answers to this horrific event. Almost 400-armed law enforcement officers stumbled around for 77 minutes as some victims bled to death before confronting the lone shooter.
Angela (Angie) Villescaz who grew up in Uvalde was not so humble but was instead outraged that this had happened. “You may not know much about our culture, but you don’t mess with our kids,” Villescaz said. “We have to stay laser-focused on what Hispanic moms are trying to do because they never have really been given this kind of space.”
Racism and sexism are not new issues in Uvalde but have been the underpinnings of political system that has not delt with this discrimination.
In 1970 there was a six week walk out by students demanding justice. Instead they were ignored and some punished by the draft board sending many a school walk activist to the war in Viet Nam ..many losing their lives there.
Talking to Angie you enter into a tsunami .. filled not just with love but a stiff backbone to political lies and a strong trumpet for justice.
The media, politicians and the community are some times taken aback by strong voices who demand answers. They are even less accepting of these concerns when it is women instead of men making the demands.
Many of the families of the victims were dismayed by the answers or lack of answers from all the public officials with whom they met. And as the weeks went by their requests became demands for staff changes and resolution. Mothers and grandmothers of the victims have developed into strong voices and their outrage is real. What is needed is a strong an unified strategic plan to continue pushing for justice.
Others in the statewide and national women movements working for gun control welcomed Fierce Madres as a needed voice.
In my past life I was part of aggressive and well organized movements that demonstrated, sat in and even got arrested as we demanded a change in policies. Some of the moderates criticized us but were happy to benefit from our outrage and actions.
Traveling and working in the Chicano Movement, Farmworkers Union, Anti War Movement, the Criminal Reform Movement.. I have been amazed by the voices and actions of Madres/Mothers who will do what is necessary to protect their families.
It has been a year since the Robb School shooting and there is no final report by the District Attorney (who is not qualified nor has the resources) who they say was to do a complete investigation into the failures on that horrific day.
It will take the parents and loved ones of the victims and of course the loud and insistent voices of organizations like Fierce Madres to get to the bottom of all the failures on May 24, 2022.
Fierce Madres is a home for all mothers and grandmothers who can not nor should be quiet while their children are being killed.