As I sit here looking at tha computer, I will now write the last column for the year of 2023. Every week, I have written a column; GOD willing, you will soon read more stories, both fiction and non-fiction. I have yet to write some stories about some of our citizens; stories that need to be told. My loyal readers by the time this paper is in your hands it will already be 2024; Happy New Year to everyone.
Looking back to tha sadness of the year, I want to send out my condolences, once again, to the families of some good friends, who departed to the better world.
From tha desk of DUKE MARTELL, I send my true condolences to the family of Eddie Howell. I am sorry I wasn’t at the services, unfortunately I was out of town.
My sincerest condolences to the family of honorable Mayor Mike Castillo. Even before Mike was the mayor, we already had a good friendship. He was indeed one of my loyal readers; he would always tell Robert Hinds or me, how much he enjoyed reading my column. He was a true friend; he was one of the good guys. Sorry I wasn’t in town and unable to attend the services.

Am also sending my condolences to Mr. Joe Calvillo and all the family of Frank Calvillo. When I heard the sad news, I was in Mercedes, so I was able to accompany the family in their time of sorrow. Frank was a good friend; we drank many a cold one at the legion hall. Back then the commander was another good friend, Mr. Joe Saenz.
And of course, who can forget the memorable music legend of Mercedes, Mr. Guadalupe Zavala; better known to all as ‘EL MESQUITON’. I had just returned from Alabama, when I got tha sad news. How can I forget his cheerful smile and his own brand of humor. Mr. Zavala was another loyal reader of my column. I told the family, I would write about him in my next column and I did. Tha DUKE kept his promise. We ran the story twice because of a mistake.
And now I would like to reflect on the goodness of 23. If we are truly honest with ourselves, we’ve got to admit, the good always out weighs tha bad.
The year started right for Tha DUKE; one day I was told by Raul Garcia, the editor here at The ENTERPRISE, that two of my stories had one First Prize at The South Texas Press Association Conference. One of the stories was about the Uvalde Massacre, and the other one about Robert Hinds. My brother Robert was the owner, editor, and publisher of The Mercedes ENTERPRISE. He would always tell me, “DUKE, I am your number one reader; and I always get to read your column, first.”
And then around Veterans’ Day of 2023, I was honored, when The Texas National Bank of Mercedes, allowed my ‘Special Edition’ of “LET HER FLY” to be displayed at their bank. My patriotic composition now hangs proudly on their wall; indeed an honor! My True Appreciation to my good friend Jamie Mendoza, the Vice President and Branch Manager of the bank.
Finally, my first born, Gene Jr. sent for me to join his family for Christmas 23. It is always a pleasure to visit the ones who love and appreciate us. When I am at my sons’ home, I don’t want to leave; that is the only real home I know. On the night before I leave, my son always takes me to a nice restaurant, and we enjoy a memorable time. That’s the way it should be for a father and a loving son.
My blessings to all my loyal readers. I wish you all, Peace, Love and Wellness, in 2024.
GOD Bless . . .