Genevieve Vallejo, Mercedes High School senior

By RAUL GARCIA JR | The Mercedes Enterprise
The Mercedes Enterprise caught up with a number of RGVLS participant Genevieve Vallejo heading to the competition to show off her work with his animal. Here is what she had to say:
A: What club are you a member of?
A: Mercedes FFA, president-RGV lead ambassador, parliamentarian Student Council, NHS member.
Q: What will you be presenting at RGVLS?
A: Hog

Q: What is your animal’s name?
A: Sadie
Q: What is your animal’s breed?
A: Duroc
Q: What do you like most about RGVLS?
A: What I like most about the RGVLS is getting to meet new people from all across the valley. Being apart of FFA and showing at RGVLS has allowed me to make new friendships and enjoy new experiences.
Q: Tell us your favorite memory presenting at RGVLS?
A: My favorite memory presenting at RGVLS was when I made auction for the very first time. I was new to all of this so I really didn’t know what to expect but once I found out that if I placed in the top 3 in my class it meant I would be going to auction.
Q: Who or what encouraged you to join FFA and compete at RGVLS?
A: What encouraged me to join FFA was my curiosity of raising an animal. I was never the type of person to pick up a shovel and get dirty. I wanted a challenge so that is when I decided this would be a great opportunity. I really did enjoy it my first year so from then on I continued to raise pigs and participate in the competitions.
Q: What is your goal at RGVLS competition this year?
A: My goal this year is to win breed champion for the Durocs. I have yet been able to get breed champion at RGVLS so I hope I can make it count for my final year.
Q: What is it like for you when you when you come to participate at RGVLS?
A: It’s very exciting the adrenaline that’s running through me, getting the energy from the stands, seeing my friends cheer me on is like no other. I feel at home when I’m in the arena with my hog. It will be a bitter sweet moment as my journey comes to an end. I plan to have a memorable and fun time as this is my last year showing at the RGVLS.
Q: What would be your best advice to someone who wants compete at RGVLS?
A: My best advice would be to just go for it and just enjoy it have fun. There will be times when it gets frustrating or you feel like it’s too much but don’t give up. Just take it a step at time. Once you see the final results it will be all worth it.
Q: Tells what you did so far to prepare for this year’s RGVLS competition?
A: To prepare for RGVLS this year I was consistent with walking my hog and spending time with it. As the years progressed I learned new things every year, so I use my years of knowledge to grow as an individual to create a more successful hog.
Q: What is the weirdest, or funniest thing your animal as ever done while you have been raising it?
A: The funniest thing my pig does is as soon as she sees a camera she always does a funny face where she sticks her tongue out and does a cross eyed look.
Q: What is your go to food or snack at RGVLS?
A: I’m go to snack at RGVLS is the fried oreos. Although I could eat them year round they don’t taste the same.
Q: What is your favorite movie?
A: LILO and Stitch
Q: What is your favorite game or carnival ride at RGVLS?
A: Ring of fire
Q: What actor would play you in a Hollywood movie?
A: Blake Lively
