Q & A with Wyatt Robbins, RGVLS participant

Wyatt Robbins

Sharyland North M.S., 7th

Q: What club are you a member in?

A: Sharyland Pioneer FFA and Borderline 4-H.

Q: What will you be presenting at RGVLS?

A: Market Goat, breeding goats, market lamb, pig.

Q: What is your animal’s name and breed?

A: My market goat is a boer goat and his name is Boone.

Q: Why do you like presenting at RGVLS?

A: I like that I get to see how all my hard work pays off. 

Q: Is this your first time presenting at RGVLS?

A: No, this is my fifth year.

What is your best memory of RGVLS over the years?

A: Winning champion and reserve champion commercial doe in 2021

Q: Have you been successful at RGVLS before, or what is your goal for this years competition?

A: Yes I had champion and reserve champion commercial doe last year. 

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