MHS Varsity String Orchestra wins UIL Sweepstakes Award

Special to The Enterprise

The Mercedes HS/MECA Varsity String Orchestra. The students attended the Region 28 UIL Concert and Sight Reading (Music Literacy) Evaluation on Monday, March 28, 2022 at the Harlingen Performing Arts Center where they performed three pieces of music that they have been developing for the past several weeks. Then following their performance, they enter the sight reading part, where the students and the director have 10 minutes to learn the music, and then they perform a piece that they have not worked on before for three more judges.

The String Orchestra earned a superior rating (first division) for both their Concert and their sight reading evaluation, gaining a UIL Sweepstakes award for the orchestra. The students and their directors are to be commended for all of their work. Mr. Mark Reney and Ms. Natalie Olivares lead the students in the Tiger string program with assistance from Elijah Lopez, consultant.

They performed Dragon Fire by Day The Lightning Catcher by Terry Jupiter from the Planets by Holst/Monday Concert Judges comments include:

“Great job playing together on those tricky rhythms. Nice beginning, very confident.” Judge Vicky Martinez. “Great orchestral sound! Good balance and blend. Superior style and musicianship. Very musical performance!” Judge Jason Hooper said.  “The musical intent of the composer is expressed most often. It is obvious that the group rehearses well. The orchestra performs with excellent precision and technical development.”

Judge Erin Tovar Sight Reading Judges comments include:

“Very solid reading today. The orchestra plays with accuracy and precision. Good job observing the dynamics! -Brian Miller said. “This is a well trained group with lots of musicality, keep doing a great job!” Judge Angel Carreon “Tone is focused and intentionally shaped. Intonation is solid. Dynamics are well observed and effective. Your group plays well together. Nice work,” Judge Paul Duston said.

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