Meet Jayda Luna, Mercedes High Volleyball Player of the Week Q&A

By RAUL GARCIA JR | The Mercedes Enterprise

The Mercedes Enterprise caught up with Jayda Luna, and here is what she had to say about herself, the volleyball team and her future goals.

Q: Name:

A: Jayda Luna, Senior

Q: Position

A: Setter / right side 

Q: What’s your goal for the team this season?

A: My goal this season is to make it to the district playoffs with my team. 

Q:What did you do in the off-season to prepare for this season?

A: I did a lot of leagues and tournaments with my team, I did some personal trainings on my own.  

Q:Is there a team you look forward to playing this season, why?

A: I look forward to play at the varsity level because I get to play against other  girls like me it gives me an opportunity to show off my skills.

Q:What’s your best memory as a Tiger  volleyball player?

A: I think it would have to be drives back home with the team and just teams meals because thatís where we connect the most.

Q:What are your personal goals for this season?

A: I plan on getting as many kills as I can and really just placing my hitters sets exactly where they like it and feel most comfortable hitting.

Q:Finish this sentence: Ten years from now I hope to be…?

A:Registered nurse working in a hospital maybe in San Antonio or Dallas . With my own apartment driving my dream car.

Q:Who is the biggest jokester on the team? What makes this person so funny?

A: De Asia because no matter what kind of mood you are in she will always make you laugh and put a smile on your face.

Q:What is one thing you love most about Mercedes? A: I love how our community is so connected and always comes together for games even if they are far away we will always have the support of our community.

Q:Describe how you started getting into volleyball?

A: I was in the 4 th grade and started playing at the boys and girls club and havenít stopped since then.

Q:What is your favorite part about being a Tigers student-athlete?

A: I love just being able to say I am in the top ten percent of my high school class still being able to manage a 4.0 GPA in both college and high school, while juggling my sports.

Q: What is your Favorite school subject? 

A: My favorite subject is probably Science. 

Q: Favorite food?

A: My favorite food is my Momís Chicken Alfredo pasta. 

Q: Dream college

A: The University of Texas at  San Antonio. 

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