Nominations for Mercedes Lifetime Service and Man/Woman of the Year are Sought

The Annual Mercedes Area Chamber of Commerce Awards Banquet  is scheduled for Wednesday, February 13, 2019. The event will take place at the Mercedes Civic Center.  The event is set to start with a social time at 6:30 p.m.  with the program and presentations to start at 7 pm.

Nominations for the Woman of the Year,  Man of the Year and Lifetime Service Award are being sought.   All nominations must include name and address of the nominee and a description of the nominee’s community achievements, all civic contributions, involvements including Chamber, Civic, Service clubs, groups and organizations, Church and  Schools for the year 2018.   For the Lifetime Service Award  the residency or service must be 10 years or more.   Other awards presented are selected by the Chamber Awards Committee.   Deadline for  nominations is noon January 30, 2019.

Those interested in nominating a citizen for these awards please submit your nomination by either a nomination form,  which  can be obtained at the Chamber Office,  by a signed letter  mailed or hand delivered to the Mercedes  Chamber of Commerce Office, 320 S. Ohio, or you may   e-mail your nomination to .

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